Taylor Fisher Memorial Scholarship
408 Stubbs Vinson Road
Monroe Louisiana, 71203
318-348-1364 & 318-348-3431
copyright 2013-2024 TaylorFisher.org All rights reserved
This scholarship is also set up to target those young adults whose
parents fall into the income category that does not allow them to
receive grants but who’s parents can’t actually afford to send them to
college. This scholarship is meant to give one young adult who has the
drive and want to continue their education the means to get started
when they wouldn’t have gone on to college otherwise. more…
The Taylor LeeAnn Fisher Memorial Scholarship was created in
memory of a special young lady who left us too early in life. The
scholarships are set up at Ouachita Parish, West Ouachita, West
Monroe, Richwood and Sterlington High Schools and is given out
yearly to a graduating senior from each school. These scholarships
are set up to target those young adults who have done well in high
school but are not at the top of their class making it hard for them
to get a scholarship